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Discover the power of genomic insights. Get your NGS service quote today.

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—— FAQs ——

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most common guestions people may have on Quick Biology.

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please contact us via the contact form on Contact page. We'd be happy to help!

Q. What is the turn-around time for each of these services?

In general, the projects of less than 20 samples are completed in between 3 and 4 weeks after we received your samples. Data analysis will need another 1 week. For a big project of more than 20 samples, our turn-around time will be within four weeks and data analysis needs another 1-2 weeks.

Q. What is the turn-around time for each of these services?
A. In general, the projects of less than 20 samples are completed in between 3 and 4 weeks after we received your samples. Data analysis will need another 1 week. For a big project of more than 20 samples, our turn-around time will be within four weeks and data analysis needs another 1-2 weeks.
Q. Will you provide the data analysis service?
A. We do provide the comprehensive data analysis for all projects. We have a very strong bioinformatics team which has build up very robust data analysis pipeline of RNA-seq, Whole Exome-Seq, Whole Genome Seq, miRNA-seq, Chip-seq, ATAC-seq, and Methyl-seq. We also provide customized data analysis service based on your request and provide publication quality figure for your project.
Q. How can I know the quality of your NGS service?
A. We will perform very strict quality control at every step from sample preparation to data analysis. For wet lab part, we will check RNA/DNA sample concentration using Nanodrop and integrity using Bioanalyzer/Tapestation. Then after library construction, we will check the concentration of the library using Qubit and size of the library using Bioanalyzer/Tapestation. For data analysis part, we will check the quality of the raw FASTQ file, remove adaptor and perform quality trimming if necessary. Then we will provide the detailed alignment statistics including mappability, reads distribution in rRNA, intron, exon and intergenic region for RNA_seq. Exome coverage and duplication level will be provided for exome seq. All quality control documents will be sent to our customer. We know the good quality control is the key to a successful project.
Q. How many reads (coverage) should I use for my experiment?
A. It depends on the goal of your experiment. For gene expression analysis of RNA sequencing, we will recommend 1X 50bp 20M reads. For splicing and gene fusion analysis of RNA sequencing, we will recommend 2X150bp 50M reads. For germline SNV detection of whole exome sequencing, we will recommend 2X150bp 40M reads. For somatic SNV detection of whole exome sequencing, we will recommend 2X150bp 80M reads. For Chip seq and miRNA seq, we will recommend 1X 50bp 20M reads.
Q. What is the difference between single reads and paired-end reads?

In single reads, only one end of the nucleic acid fragments is sequenced. In paired-end reads, the nucleic acid fragments are first sequenced from one end, and then from the other end. This allows generation of high quality, alignable sequence data. Depending on the application, paired-end reads usually do not overlap. Paired-end reads can be used to estimate the fragment size and the duplication level of the library.  In addition, paired-end sequencing allows detection of genomic rearrangements and repetitive sequence elements, as well as gene fusions and novel transcripts.